Haris & Co Accountants


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Tax Planning

Maximise Tax Efficiancy, Legally

You have the right to organize your financial affairs to minimize your tax burden within the bounds of the law.

Beyond Compliance

While fulfilling tax return and legal obligations is crucial, every accountant should do this and provide you with your tax position and liabilities. We aim to go beyond these basics, actively seeking opportunities for tax planning.

Legal Tax Optimisation

Within the legal framework, there are numerous avenues to legally reduce your tax liability. Drawing from extensive experience, we vigorously advocate for our clients to ensure they don’t pay more tax than necessary.

Comprehensive Tax Planning

Our expertise extends to various tax domains:

  1. Personal taxes
  2. Corporate taxes
  3. Effective employee remuneration strategies
  4. Inheritance tax planning
  5. Capital gains management
  6. Profit extraction strategies
  7. Exit planning
  8. Employment status assessment
  9. IR35 advice
Cutting-Edge Resources

Our commitment to excellence includes substantial investments in reference materials and specialized software. We have access to tax law, cases, HMRC internal manuals, and comprehensive tax commentary, enabling us to address any tax issue and offer legally sound tax-saving strategies.

Customer-Centric Approach

New clients often discover the untapped potential for tax optimization. We’re dedicated to going the extra mile, providing guidance in areas where tax savings are feasible. We are passionate about our role in helping you.

Proactive Engagement

Timing is critical. Initiate this work in advance and reach out to us promptly.

Risk Mitigation

Rest assured, our tax planning operates within the boundaries of tax legislation and case law. We take care to avoid triggering HMRC consultations unnecessarily and, when risks exist, we promptly inform you.

In the ever-evolving tax landscape, your financial well-being is our priority.